It’s generally considered that educational processes are passive for students.So, that must be turned from passive recipients into producers of information and knowledge.So,at this step,we need projects,esp, eTwinning projects.
The Project is about the students’ native cities shown with their eyes. We want to exchange information about: tourist destianations, cusines, traditional dances and songs of the cities they live in. While we do these activities,ofcourse we need tech. Technology is a valuable tool for improving the teaching process at school because producing a new learning environment is more attractive and enjoyable for schoolchildren. Students send a postcard (with short info about) the city to the project partners’ schools via web 2.0 tools that they will choose one.Next,students prepare a video about the folkdances and songs of the cities they live in and make a presentation by means of web 2.0 tools on video forming. We’ll share all presantations on the project e-twinning space.
During the project, children will implement their new skills, develop the spirit of cooperation and responsibility, produce themselves materials and participate in activities, feeling the joy of productivity,and increasing their nature love..
The aim of this project will be focused to exchange information about teaching experience among teachers.
We will motivate our students to learn using IT tools and enhance communicative competencies.
The main goal of the project is to improve communication and collaboration between schools, involving teachers and students in new learning activities.
We will work with students aged between 14 and 18.
I have also made a presentation with representative images from Romania.
Our students Albert and Petronela have made presentations with the cities where they live.
Our students presetend using the voki app :